職務說明 / Key Responsibilities
Location: Hsinchu (新竹)
Education: College degree or above (EE preferred
1. 承上級主管指令制定環、安、衛計劃書與執行本身及監督所屬下包工地環、安、衛(EHS)作業。
In accordance with instructions formulating EHS related plans, implementing and
supervising subcontractor to implement EHS related works.
2. 聽從 PM 之指揮及管理,並協助工地主任落實及管理現場工安相關事宜。
Following the commandation and management of PM, to assist site manager
implementing and managing site EHS matters.
3. 執行工具箱會議宣導及入廠人員證件有效、防護用具合格之檢查與紀錄。
Hoisting toolbox meeting, checking and recording the certifications and PPEs of field men.
4. 工地現場環、安、衛督導及管理、紀錄與作業人員入廠工安訓練安排。
Supervising, managing, recording of site EHS and EHS training arranging for field men.
5. 環、安、衛相關表單整理(以下視工地需求不同由 PM 及工地主任調整):
例:1.工安週報 2.工安日報 3.自主稽核日報 4.變電站自主稽核報告 5.工作申請單 6.暫存區申請 7.安
全設施拆除回覆 8.設備物料進出廠放行單開立 9.有價物會簽
Organizing EHS forms: e.q. 1.EHS weekly report 2. EHS Daily report 3. Self inspection report 4. Substation
self inspection report 5. Work application 6. Storage application 7. Security removal application 8. Inbound
/ outbound application 9. Value thing countersigned
6. 工地現場狀況拍照、回覆、建檔及回報。
Taking pictures, replying, recording and reporting of the site situation.
7. 工地現場 6S 督導及管理與紀錄。
6S supervising, managing and recording of the job site.
8. 參加工安相關會議及巡檢與紀錄(以下視工地需求不同由工安主管調整)並配合執行要求及缺失改
善:例: 1.每日工安早會 2.每日缺失檢討會 3.每週 FAB 巡檢 4.每週 CUP 巡檢 5. 每週 HPM 巡檢 6.每
週成廠協議組織 7.每週工區協議組織 8.每週環保會議 9.每週 PIP 警勤會議 10.每月工區協議組織
9. Attending EHS related meeting, visiting, recording and to implement requirements
and correct the findings. e.q. 1. Daily morning EHS meeting 2. Daily findings review 3. FAB visit 4. Cup visit
5. HPM visit 6. Factory consultative organization 7. Site consultative organization 8. Environmental meeting
9. Information protection meeting 10. Monthly site consultative organization
10. 夜間加班需有一 EHS 人員配合加班。
In the case of overtime working at night, at least 1 EHS staff must stay with the workers.
11. 事故調查、報告及後續追蹤。
Accident investigation, report and follow up.
Other requirements
1. 具現場工安管理及監督經驗尤佳
Experience of on-site safety management and supervision is preferred.
2. 具文書處理及相關安全法規之宣導經驗尤佳
Experience in document processing and related safety regulations are preferred.
3. 乙級安全管理員.
需求條件 / Key Requirements
◆ 薪資:具市場競爭力的薪酬 - 年薪12個月,加上年終獎金。
◆ 保險類 1.勞保 2.健保 3.員工團保
◆ 請 / 休假制度 1.優於勞基法之年假/特休 2.給薪病假 3.女性同仁生理假4.陪產假及男性員工陪產檢假5.西門子特別假日
◆ 補助類 1.結婚禮金 2. 喪葬慰問金. 3.公務機通話費補助
◆ 健康類: 1.年度健康檢查 2.流感疫苗補助 3.員工按摩福利
◆ 其它:端午、中秋、春節三節禮品或禮金、生日禮金